Configuration and installation

For configuration and installation of PartExa and the associated Sphinx and Doxygen documentation first clone the PartExa source code repository:

git clone <partexa_source>

PartExa library

In the following it is assumed that all Dependencies are met. Configure and build PartExa following

mkdir <partexa_build>
cd <partexa_build>
cmake <partexa_source> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<build_type> -DDEAL_II_DIR=<dealii_install>
make -j <np>

where <build_type> denotes the build type and can be set to Release or Debug, and <np> denotes a specific number of processors used for compilation.


The build type of PartExa can be changed at any time by executing:

cd <partexa_build>
make <build_type>

Sphinx documentation

To manually build the Sphinx documentation a virtual python environment is set up as:

cd <partexa_build>
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

In a next step reconfigure PartExa and build the Sphinx documentation:

cd <partexa_build>
cmake <partexa_source> -DDEAL_II_DIR=<dealii_install>
make sphinx


For convenience, a recent precompiled Sphinx documentation is provided online.

Doxygen documentation

To manually build the Doxygen documentation install the packages doxygen and graphviz.

In a next step reconfigure PartExa and build the Doxygen documentation:

cd <partexa_build>
cmake <partexa_source> -DDEAL_II_DIR=<dealii_install>
make doxygen


For convenience, a recent precompiled Doxygen documentation is provided online.